KNFT Token
Ticker : KNFT
Blockchains : BSC
Token Cap : 2,000,000,000 KNFT
Initial Token Supply : 1,000,000,000 KNFT
Ecosystem & Marketing : 30%
Partner & Advisor : 30%
Team : 20%
Sale :10%
Reserve :10%
Total : 100%
Issued for Farming Rewards: 1,000,000,000 KNFT (100% for Defi Rewards)
Contract Addresses
BSC KNFT : 0x46E83FbcC5623172EE61935C96B7276Ab92562De
KStarNFT : 0x87C92EB8DAc90B43a2D05c2Aa0b259654e57d6fB
Reward Distribution
100% of community KNFT, which sums up to 1,000,000,000 is distributed as a mining reward.
The distribution is expected to last for a total of 10 years (mining reward / KNFT per day) before depletion, which would be around Dec 23th, 2031. After that, all mining farms will no longer receive a new distribution.
KNFT Buyback
Platform profit will be used to buy back and burn KNFT once per month, as we don't want to disturb the market too frequently. The profit includes:
Farm withdraw fee
KNFT -Bot NFT gatcha payment
NFT marketplace trading fee (applies to KNFT Bot NFT trades only)
Last updated